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Vigor Technology tilt sensors

ELAP propone in esclusiva per l’Italia gli inclinometri di Vigor Technology, primaria casa produttrice di Shanghai con una vasta esperienza nel campo dei sensori di inclinazione, accelerazione e temperatura.
La gamma di inclinometri digitali Vigor Technology comprende numerosi modelli con caratteristiche differenti quanto ad ampiezza dell’angolo di misura, numero di assi, precisione, ripetibilità e segnali di uscita, che ne consentono l’applicazione nei settori più disparati.
Alcuni esempi:
▪ automazione industriale ▪ macchine movimento terra ▪ impianti di sollevamento ▪ apparecchiature mediche ▪ settore automobilistico, ferroviario, navale ▪ controllo degli inseguitori solari ▪ sicurezza dei piloni dell’alta tensione ▪ ingegneria civile.
I sensori di tilt Vigor Technology rispondono alle normative internazionali di qualità e sicurezza.
- Absolute encoders
Absolute encoders
Single turn and multiturn encoders. EtherNet/IP encoders, EtherCAT encoders. Profinet encoders. Profibus encoders. CANopen encoders. Magnetic encoders.UL Listed encoders.
- Incremental encoders
Incremental encoders
Optical and magnetic encoders. Encoders with high pulses / revolution number. Programmable encoders.
- Linear transducers
Linear transducers
Incremental linear transducers, magnetic transducers, wire sensors, optical scales.
- Wire transducers
Wire transducers
Absolute wire encoders, fieldbus wire encoders, incremental wire encoders, wire potentiometers.
- Linear potentiometers
Linear potentiometers
Linear motion potentiometers. Potentiometers with analogue output. Small-sized potentiometers. Potentiometers with M12 connector
- Althen Potentiometers
Althen Potentiometers
Single turn rotary potentiometers – multiturn rotary potentiometers – continous-rotation potentiometers – linear motion potentiometers
- Industrial joysticks
Industrial joysticks
Althen industrial joysticks range includes solutions for the control 1 to 6 dimensions, with different sensor types.
- Vibration sensors
Vibration sensors
Wilcoxon Research® vibration sensors and accessories offer reliable performance and functionality for vibration analysis, machinery monitoring and balance-of-plant applications
- Tilt sensors
Tilt sensors
Vigor Technology tilt sensors range includes several models with different measuring angles, axes, accuracy grade, repeatibility and output signals.
- Inclinometri MEMS
La numerosa famiglia degli inclinometri a technologia MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) comprende sensori per la misura di angoli da ±5 a 360° su uno, due o tre assi, con precisione e ripetibilità elevate.
- Inclinometri dinamici
Gli inclinometri dinamici serie ST800-ST840 sono appositamente progettati per le applicazioni su sistemi in movimento.
- Servo inclinometri
Il servo inclinometro ST500 è un prodotto tecnologicamente avanzato, che impiega un servo accelerometro di grande risoluzione, con elevata frequenza di risposta.
- Touch screen panels
Touch screen panels
Weintek touch-screen panels range includes a wide choice of models, from 4.3” to 10” size.
- PLC controllers
PLC controllers
NEXUS, VEGA and NEOS, Elap comprehensive series of multi-function controllers are designed to make the programming operations and work cycle control easy.
- Counters & visualizers
Counters & visualizers
ELAP counters and readouts solve all the problems related to counting and displaying lengths or tickness measures and machined pieces numbers.
- Positioners
Elap positioners range includes includes several PLC programmable equipments.
- Monitoring Systems
Monitoring Systems
Shinkawa offers a wide range of condition monitoring systems for rotating machinery.
- Contact us
We will be pleased to let you have product information and quotes.
Vigor Technology inclinometer sensors sales
Inclinometer sensors are devices able to monitor inclination with respect to a reference plane of a moving part inside a machine. In respect of angular encoders, they have the advantage of not having any moving part and not requiring mechanical constraints.
There are various versions of inclinometer sensors, availing of different technologies.
In MEMS (Micro Electronic Mechanical System) technology inclinometers, the inclination measurement is carried out via capacitively sensing the voltage between a series of electrodes included in a hermetically-sealed ASIC chip.
In dynamic inclinometers, the functional components are a gyroscope and acceleration sensor, with the combined analysis of the data of both instruments providing the very precise measurement of the instantaneous inclination of the object concerned.
Finally, in servo inclinometers, an electromechanical galvanometer is used, being a device that—when the monitored mass tilts—is able to return a measure of precision unattainable with other systems.
Inclinometer sensors are employed in a broad range of industrial sectors and applications. Amongst the most important are:
- Industrial automation
- Earth-moving equipment
- Lifting set-ups
- Medical equipment
- The automotive industry
- The naval and railway industry
- Civil engineering
- Solar tracker control
- Safety of high-voltage pylons
Vigor Technology inclinometer sensors
ELAP offers consultation and sales for all Vigor Technology Inclinometric Sensor models.
Based in Shanghai, Vigor Technology is a leading manufacturer with extensive experience in the field of inclination, acceleration and temperature sensors. Vigor Technology range of digital inclinometers includes several models with various characteristics in terms of width of measurement angle, number of axes, precision, repeatability and output signals, favouring their application in the most varied sectors in compliance with all quality and safety regulations.
Contact ELAP today for more information, clarifications, or quotes regarding Vigor Technology inclinometer sensors!
Since 1968 ELAP has been growing in the field of industrial automation, getting specialized in developing, manufacturing and marketing transducers, sensors and control equipment for operating machines.