Helicalohm multiturn potentiometers

Helicalohm multiturn potentiometers series HP and HD with wirewound resistive element offer high resolution, excellent riliability and long life. Different dimensions are available.

  • Potentiometer 20HP Althen

    Body Ø 20 mm, shaft Ø 6 mm, wirewound resistive element, bushingmount.

  • Potentiometer 20HPS Althen

    Body Ø 20 mm, shaft Ø 3 mm, wirewound resistive element, servo mounting.

  • Potentiometer 22HP Althen

    Body Ø 22 mm, shaft Ø 6/6.35 mm, wirewound resistive element, bushingmount.

  • Potentiometer 46HD Althen

    Body Ø 46 mm, shaft Ø 6 mm, wirewound resistive element, bushingmount.

Download: Helicalohm multiturn potentiometers