Low frequency accelerometers

Low frequency measurement is critical for many industries. The petrochemical, machine tool and paper industries use low frequency for both condition monitoring and process measurements. Other applications include slow speed agitators, cooling towers, semiconductor lithography and structural testing.

Low frequency measurements and low levels of vibration are closely related, as acceleration levels  decrease at low frequencies. In order to have adequate voltage signals at the acquisition equipment, low frequency sensors have greater output sensitivity (usually 500 mV/g) than general-purpose sensors. Additionally, the low-end frequency cut-off is improved (up to 0.1 Hz at -3dB) in order to read slow speed vibration signals.

All Wilcoxon low frequency accelerometers incorporate a low-pass filter with the on-board amplifier electronics to avoid resonance distortion.

Some low frequency accelerometers can be supplied in the ‘hazardous area’ version (Y), for applications in potentially explosive athmosphere.

ModelSensitivitySensitivity tolerance +/-Frequency response @ +/- 3dbMax temp.Accel RangeHaz area option
HzCg peak
Low frequency accelerometers
786LF-500500 mV/g5%0.1 - 13k120°10
793L500 mV/g5%0.2 - 2.3k120°10Y
797L500 mV/g5%0.2 - 3.7k120°10Y
799LF50 mV/g5%0.1 - 2.5k120°10
799M1000 mV/g5%0.2 - 2.5k80°5

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